From cavemen to agriculture


Happy-healthy Holidays! Christmas has just passed and you simply ate too much! What to do? Join the most popular diet of 2013! Read this ->

Approximately 10K years ago the way we eat changed. It ensured that the modern world is what we would conclude as overcrowded. We invented the use of diary and various types of corn. Both as a food source and for animal breeding. The evolution from the hunter-gatherer diet to agriculture. At first our digestive systems did not tolerate this. Some, however, had developed an immunity against most of the symptoms. Since above-mentioned were relatively easy sources of food; more people were able to acquire food, hence improving the global birthrate. Humankind could now afford to reproduce more frequently. The most reproductive species of human were hereby in possession of a gene. A gene, which made them partially immune to the otherwise toxic foods of agriculture.
The descendants of the hunter-gatherer people do, however, still exist in our modern society. Allergies like lactose- and gluten intolerance. Although it may not be clear to you; cereal and dairy do have an effect on your health. Be you allergic to these or not. Our intake of bread and such is one of the main causes of arthritis and other similar diseases, or even diabetes.

USDA_Food_PyramidIf we look at the food pyramid from USDA it is an example of how we are unaware of this. Our world is way too overpopulated. We would not be able to step back without falling drastically in population.

Carbohydrates in white bread and even rye bread are similar to glucose (sugar). Our body was initially developed to digest very few carbohydrates. These carbohydrates were also a different type. While sugar is digested rapidly, berries, roots and nuts, the only source of carbohydrates for the cavemen, were structurally more complex. This entailed that the digestion process was slower, which has been the preference of our body since. When we consume glucose the fast digestion causes our body to react as if it was insulin. The energy is quickly stored as fat. This raises your blood sugar.

Dairy products are not entirely bad, nor good for you. Lactose, however, is and this is contained within low-fat dairy products. Low-fat dairy products are highly processed. This includes that they have a high amount of a specific protein. Whey. Your blood sugar reacts to this worse then with carbohydrates. Also, dairy does is not essential for healthy bones. The digestion of wheat, etc. even prevents us from obtaining the calcium in dairy. Regardless of this; non-processed dairy products, excluding milk, do not contain these proteins.

As a conclusion you are in general allowed to eat:

  • Meat,
  • sea-food,
  • eggs,
  • vegetables,
  • fruit,
  • berries,
  • nuts.

In order to balance a healthy life you should eat proportionally according to this model:


In addition to this, you should remember to exercise preferably outside regularly. This is required to maintain a healthy intake of D-vitamin, which you absorb from the sun. Also, drink loads of water!

The basic unhealthy foods:

  • Dairy,
  • cereal products,
  • leguminous fruit,
  • glucose containing- and most processed foods.

If you would like some inspiration on where to start, here are some links:

Other interesting articles:

You can alternatively try searching for it on Google or WordPress. Just type: “Paleo diet” and you are presented with thousands of interesting recipes and guides!

I have been living by this diet for some years now. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them! I might create an external page on my favourite tips and recipes sometime.


Please, stop swallowing cinnamon.


Happy Holidays! Did Santa bring you some neat gifts? 😉

Today it occurred to me that there are still people on this bewildering planet, who are trying to swallow a tablespoonful of cinnamon powder within thirty seconds. I decided to make it clear why this is a bad idea. First, here is a video of TheSlowMoGuys attempting this:

Do not try this; Read on!

Like they said at the end of the video: “This was a mistake.”  While it is possible; it is definitely not recommended eating a tablespoon of cinnamon. The consequences can be lethal and have already sent many “guinea pigs” to the hospital.

We can categorise substances in two categories when comparing their attraction towards water. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances. “Hydro” meaning water. “-philic” meaning loving. “-phobic” meaning relating to, or having an extremely strong fear or dislike of someone or something. The first category, hydrophilic substances, encompass all substances attracted to water. Therefore, these are soluble in water. The second category covers all substances with a neutral outward charge, hence they do not react with any polar substances such as water.

Cinnamon is a hydrophobic substance. This means that it is insoluble in water. In other words: it is non-polar and can therefore not be broken up into components, hence bonding with water’s hydrogen bonds. It can be compared to oil, which neither bonds with water because of its chemical charge. When attempting to consume cinnamon it dries out the saliva in your mouth. In order to consume anything it must be dissolved by the saliva in your mouth, which mainly consists of water. Therefore, you feel an immense amount of pain from the lack of water in your mouth and throat. If you, then try to breathe; which you will, the cinnamon will hauled into your lungs. This can cause breathing problems. If you have ever tried this without seeking medical attention, please, do ask your doctor to check for any injuries in your respiration system.

It is, however, healthy to eat cinnamon and you should definitely not avoid it. Cinnamon has actually been proven to contain rich amounts of poly-phenols, which function similar to insulin, hence regulating the blood sugar. This is particularly good news for people with diabetes. So, as with anything, consume food in the proper proportions and stay healthy!

– Now if you will have me excused. I feel the urge to read.


Gift/Present exchange?

Gift card

Why do we exchange presents, or should I say gifts? I was told that we do this to show our outward generosity. Although this is the intention; it has occurred to me that this sense of generosity has been commercialised. The tradition has been sprinkled with a tint of expectancy. Expectation of receiving specifically the presents stated on your wish list. We have a ton of holidays today in which we all exchange presents. These presents have with time become more and more impersonal and expensive. The initial idea of gift giving was that we gave presents to those nearest to us. Gifts which we found exceptional and proper for the individual. This concept has, in my opinion, been destroyed by the media. They have turned these customs upside-down and promoted the use of wish lists. These lists are similar to a shopping list since they state a row of items which the author would like to own. Instead of giving a thoughtful gift we have, hence now swapped this with purchasing items unknown to us. This conceals the impression that we now know less about those nearest to us. An outstanding example would be gift cards. “From Me To You” it says when the actual words should be “From You To You. Purchased by Me.”

If you know the definitional difference between “present” and “gift” you might be wondering why I am using the lesser personal “present”. The reason for this I indirectly stated above. A gift is something you give to a family member or close friend, whom you are passionate about. On the other hand, a present is something which you give to show respect to an employee or otherwise not closely related person. If you were not aware of my opinion on this subject, you should be now. I obviously mean that our society is controlled by commercials. We stick our feelings to dull objects which we then exchange with our friends, family and employees for something likewise.

Christmas is after all just an old heathen celebration. Originally it was called solstice. They celebrated the harvest and prayed for a new year of healthy crops. If this is not the case in your country, please, do not blame me. I am from Denmark, where I am sure this is how Christmas originated, but it might be otherwise in different countries.

Regardless of our unenthusiastic presents we do, however, get together and share the holidays with each other. We give the so-called “gifts.” We chat, drink, dance and share our joy. This close bond, which we experience at Christmas makes it the obvious time for helping those in need. We donate money to charity. Where do the money go? Most of us do not know where they go. We assure ourselves that we did something generous. We actually have no idea since we were not the ones who delivered the money. Also, we eat a lot on Christmas and at other occasions. The bare truth is that some of us even throw up half of it. Either because we were drunk or because we ate too much! Maybe even both. This enormous waste of food could instead have been spent on contributing to the fight against poverty and starvation with even greater quantities of money. Why even donate money in the first place? If nothing, but your own self-esteem matters?

Another confusing part of holidays is New Year’s Eve. The rest of the year we discuss our continuing problems with the climate. Every year we then fire huge amounts of noisy fireworks into the air. The amounts of carbon dioxide which spill into the air are huge. In addition, people are often injured upon New Year’s Eve. Some become hearing impaired and some acquire fatal injuries. This madness has to stop!

Now. We are completely off track. Let’s return to the topic at which we started. I do not expect the readers of this blog entry to change their way of celebrating Christmas, etc. I do, however, expect you to reflect on the subject and establish your own point of view. It is time to become independent of the media. We need to think more about the choices we make. Think: “Who are my parents really?” “What would they like for Christmas?” Making decisions yourself is a vital part of life. Do not let commercials and wish lists take over. Decide for yourself how to please those closest to you.

Here is to opinions!

– Once again, Merry Christmas!

Maths riddles

Riddle me this...

As I am writing this, the above stated riddle is being processed in my brain. I stumbled upon this riddle on Facebook, where the issuer goes by the name: “Funny Videos.” By the end of this entry I will probably have figured the relation out, but this one is a bit tricky.

We can, by looking at the addition equation resolve that the sum of the left hand side is obviously equal to some visible fraction of the right hand side. E.g. 6 + 3 = 39, where six plus three is equal to nine according to the decimal numeral system. If we continue from this manifest and state that not by dividing, multiplying nor adding the numbers we trigger a relation. There is now only a single possible arithmetic operator left; subtraction. We get the result, three, by subtracting six and three on the left hand side, which is equal to the right hand side’s tens place. If we compare this solution in all of the problems the result is:

6 + 3 + (6 – 3) * 10 = 39

9 + 4 + (9 – 4) * 100 = 513

18 + 16 + (18 – 16) * 100 = 234

We have hereby found a connection between the problems, so let us use the relation to solve the final equation:

6 + 5 + (6 – 5) * 100 = 111

You might not understand this way of problem solving, but do not worry! In that case it is possibly a sign that you have a unique way of thinking and I now challenge you to find a separate way of contemplating this problem. Please comment down below with your solution, if it is any different. The interesting part of maths is after all to elucidate a tangible theory, hence fully understanding the concepts of a mathematical problem.

Now. I like your opinion, so here is an unrelated poll:

– I have to purchase presents for my family today. Therefore, I am elsewhere occupied, which is the reason for my short entry today! Merry Christmas 😉

” I don’t know nothin’ “


Please, answer this poll before you read on.

You have probably already guessed what this blog entry is about by reading the heading. If not: this is specifically meant for you, and you should know that: I do not tolerate this incomparable behaviour when confronted by a stranger nor a friend. The unpredictable meaning of double negatives can in my opinion create a quantum-like superposition. For those who do not know of superposition; it is a phenomenon which occurs when something with two possible states is not being observed. For instance if I had a pet. I for one do not have a pet, but let us pretend like I have one for the next couple of minutes. If my pet, oddly enough, jumped into my non-transparent microwave. This microwave could then because of a malfunction, electrocute the pet at any given time, while I would be uninformed of the tragedy. This pet would now be in a superposition, hence the pet is in a state, where it is both dead and alive. In the case of someone using a double negative I experience the same thing as when observing the microwave. In both cases I have the choice of quantum tunnelling which I will briefly explain for the sake of getting back on topic.

Quantum tunnelling is another concept of quantum mechanics. It states that if I was standing in front of a locked door, there would be a slight chance for me to go through the door, hence ending up on the other side. This is, however, very unlikely.

In context quantum tunnelling would be to “guess” the state and be correct. Again, this is, however, very unlikely. The only choice of action left is to ask the unbearable person who confused me. This is not a problem, but simply a waste of time, when the person could have been clearer in his/her statement from the beginning.

Now the big question is; are there any laws against this immoral use of words? The answer is – at least in my country – no. The reason for this is that we have a law that states the freedom of speech in public. It is, however, still required to take responsibility for both the actions and words you execute. I find it fortunate that we have the right to express our opinions in Denmark, but when talking English I would, please, request that you express yourself in a clear and comprehensible way. I do not hate you for your lingual abuse; I judge you for your for it.

For all I know; you didn’t say nothing!